24 thoughts on “Azubu Frost vs Najin Sword – IPL5 Round Robin – Game 1 – IPL5

  1. It’s because of the lack of installed Windows language packs, which only come with Ultimate and even then people don’t install them.

  2. It’s because of the lack of installed Windows language packs, which only come with Ultimate and even then people don’t install them.

  3. Spoilers! Fuck all that didn’t give it!

    Wow the lack of malphite engage at the 30ish min mark sealed the deal. There were multiple times they could have caught 4/5 champs in an ult there.

  4. Really Redbaron humors Hatperson’s retarded rants but Hatperson ridiculous Redbaron’s intelligent (though equally pointless) rants. Seriously, why can’t IPL find someone less retarded than Hatperson?

  5. For once we can see Najiin Sword as a team of their own,not as MakNooN’s team.And that’s thanks to the casting and showing the audience the individual players and their synergy stenght.

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